Throughout my time at Wesleyan I’ve been able to take multiple archaeology courses, as well as African American history classes, leading me to declare my major in African American Studies.  In my freshman year (2021-2022) I was enrolled in Archaeology 101 and Race and Slavery in New England. Taking archaeology in the fall was influential for me because it reignited  my love for history. Being allowed to  examine artifacts and connect them to the present, specifically Wesleyan and the land it occupies, was a great learning experience. I was lucky to have the opportunity to take the AFAM class in the spring because it addressed the history of Middletown, CT. This was important to me because of how much time I spend at school, and how it’s beneficial to be knowledgeable on the place one inhabits. I was able to examine artifacts in this class as well, in which taking the archaeology class allowed me to have a greater appreciation for how important this type of history is. I learned how to connect histories, and see the significance in doing so, which ultimately heightened my interest in history.
